Year 3
Welcome to Year 3! We are really looking forward to another year of learning and fun together.
This year, we are being taught by Miss King and Miss Gale.
Other members of the Year 3 team are: Miss Lambourne, Miss Howard & Mrs Thomas.
Coloured reading books will be changed on a Tuesday and a Friday and library books on a Friday. However, please ensure reading books are in school every day so that we can read with your child or they can access for quiet reading.
P.E. in Year 3 is on a Monday and a Friday. PE will be outdoors, weather permitting, so please ensure suitable outdoor PE clothing is enclosed.
Weekly spellings will checked and new spellings set on a Thursday afternoon. These will be posted on Seesaw, Spelling Shed and hard copy of spellings sent home. Mymaths homework will be set on a Friday and expected to be completed by the following Friday.
If you have any questions, then please catch us at the Year 3 door or email the office.