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Year 5

Hello and a warm welcome to Year 5 ! 

Year 5 is made up of 32 enthusiastic and creative learners who are taught by Miss Davis (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays) and Mrs Burnham (Thursday and Friday) and supported by Mrs Scott and Mr Scott.

Reading scheme books will be changed when the book has been completed and has been signed by an adult in the reading record and library books will be able to be changed in our library slot. Reading scheme books should be in school every day so that we can read with your child at any requested time.

Spelling checks will take place on a Friday each week and the new weekly spellings will be set. A hard copy of these spellings will be sent home to use for practise if your child wishes or they can be accessed through Spelling Shed. There are also some suggested spelling practise activities suggested below which your child may enjoy. Maths homework will also be set on a Friday and will be due in the following Friday. This may be a worksheet or set on MyMaths.

P.E. in Year 5 this term is on a Tuesday and Friday. PE will be outdoor on both Tuesday and Thursdays so please ensure suitable outdoor PE clothing is in PE kits, especially as the weather is particularly cold at the moment, including tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie or jumper. Please can we also remind you that earrings and jewellery must be removed on PE days.

If you have any questions, then please catch us at the Year 5 and 6 door or email the office.

We look forward to sharing our learning journey with you this year!